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Re: Car Insurance - Just taking the p**s!!

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 7:37 pm
by Sp33dy1
How do you pm

Re: Car Insurance - Just taking the p**s!!

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 7:21 am
by WesF
I agree with speedy239 that insurance companies and brokers taking the p.....s. Now been asked for copy of my license which I declined but due to non provide of said item they refuse to proceed, how's this data protection?
Speedy.....A lot of insurers ask for a copy of the licence to show points declared (or none declared), or they get the broker to confirm this on their behalf. Data Protection doesn't come into this apart from the fact any data you give them, they must hold securely, for a reasonable amount of time. They can only give your data out with your permission or for legal reasons (such as court proceedings for non-disclosure).

Its a ball ache as a consumer but having worked in the industry previously, they are the ones taking the risk on a £500 (example) premium to potentially pay out on a £7,500 car (another example) so will ask for info now and again to back up what you are saying. Insurance contracts are based on utmost good faith - they take your word for the majority of answers in the quote.

Re: Car Insurance - Just taking the p**s!!

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 7:30 am
by Taz
WesF wrote: Insurance contracts are based on utmost good faith - they take your word for the majority of answers in the quote.

good faith lol, any slight chance they can get out of paying and good faith soon disappears, all insurance companies are ......................

Re: Car Insurance - Just taking the p**s!!

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 9:33 am
by ChrisKnottIns
Sp33dy1 wrote:...Waiting to hear from Chris knott, offices only open Monday to Friday, sounds a joke especially as most insurances open over the weekend to even if it a limited time.
We are open on Saturday mornings too guys - 9am-12noon

Re: Car Insurance - Just taking the p**s!!

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 9:40 am
by ChrisKnottIns

The reason we ask for a copy of your licence is because it confirms alot of the detail for the insurers. They want to see that they're not being taken for a ride by some of the more unscrupulous drivers out there. Though with DVLA and Insurance databases linking together more and more I wonder if they'll just be able to check this stuff electronically soon.


Re: Car Insurance - Just taking the p**s!!

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 8:45 pm
by WesF
Taz wrote:
WesF wrote: Insurance contracts are based on utmost good faith - they take your word for the majority of answers in the quote.

good faith lol, any slight chance they can get out of paying and good faith soon disappears, all insurance companies are ......................
Now I never said they weren't......I used to work in claims for a very large insurer and we had targets to keep settlements low. Not sure it would happen in these days of regulation but says a lot! Unfortunately there are drivers that are also *&*&*&*&!

Re: Car Insurance - Just taking the p**s!!

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 5:16 pm
by Number5
Adrian Flux.... What a bunch of.....'s

In 2013, I used to have a 2.5 Z4 and insured it for around £180 per year. I bought the Alpina (3.4L & 300BHP) and not surprisingly my premium went to £300 with a £400 excess.

I'm now toying round with a 2.5 for a winter project so asked for a quote to take the Alpina off and put a 2.5 ( (177BHP) back on, and guess what.... Same premium, plus a £25 admin charge !!

Concerned that the Alpina could be locked away uninsured, I asked for a Fire & Theft only policy and he quoted me £250 ! Only £50/year more to drive it I said !!! He then said he was waiting for one more company to come back...hang on... here it comes..." Oh - We can do it for £150 " !
I asked if I could then cancel the policy come Spring and get a Pro-Rata refund on the unused months and they said no. On "Laid up" policies they dont usually give any return premiums.

I said I'd leave the F&T Policy running then, ready for Autumn and drive the Alpina on the "Road Use" policy over summer. He said I can't do that as I'd have two policies on the same car, so I'd pretty much have to cancel it, lose my premium and then take another policy out again come Autumn !

I asked if anyone did a policy whereby it is based on 6 months laid up and 6 months driving and he said No !

I honestly think that they just pluck figures out of the air and make up their own rules ! Absolutely no common sense or empathy to my requirements at all.

Bunch of Muppets - all of 'em !