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Barty's Green Z4 Coupé - Not another one…

2003 - 2009, roadster, coupe, facelift
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Barty's Green Z4 Coupé - So close and yet so far

Post by Barty » Mon Jun 12, 2023 11:01 am

Another few gratuitous pics from last week’s Scramble :thumbsup:
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Really looking forward to Zedfest in August. Judging from the pics and stories of previous editions, it seems to have a very similar, equally accessible vibe to it. Plus, the NC500 roadtrip is going to be the icing on the cake :driving:

That does get me thinking: where will I wash the Zed before Zedfest… if anyone has any suggestions in the area surrounding Shepshed, I’d appreciate it 8)
Four Alfa's and a Ducati later, I've turned to the dark side...
"Drive German, wear Italian, kiss French"

Z4: Tiefgrüen Metallic E86 3.0Si / Insta @bartsbuilds

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Barty's Green Z4 Coupé - Aero’s, Octane, Racetracks

Post by Barty » Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:20 pm

PDM, Closing Up, NC500 Roadtrip

It's been a while, so high time for another update. Since last time's outing at Octane a lot has happened, most of it great and some of it less so. First up, project PDM! The storage I had for it has always been temporary, so when I finally found a spot where I could store it for at least 9-12 months, it was time to move the bare shell.
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Loading it was a nightmare, having to manually lift the shell onto a low loader was a challenge to say the least. Workout: check. My physical therapist's income for 2023: sorted. Anyway, offloading proved a lot easier with the help of a friendly forklift-driving local, so off into storage it went. While I'm not gonna give everything away just yet, a few people know of my plans with the shell now. Aim of the game is to build the ultimate interpretation -to me at least- of a Z4 coupe. NA engine, manual box, proper suspension? All on the cards. What exactly? That's going to have to wait a little while longer...

Closing up Shop
As most of you may know, I've been the co-owner and founder of a small detailing business for a few years now. What most people don't know is that I run that next to my day job, meaning long days, short nights and very few real "weekends". Both me and my business partner felt we either had to take it to a next level, or close up shop all together. The subtitle of this section kinda gives away that outcome doesn't it... While sad, we both felt it was the right choice. Besides the workload next to our regular jobs, we also differed slightly when it came to our views of the future. He's very much into detailing specifically, whereas my interest in cars is broader and perhaps a tad more technical.

Since I'm not done with having my own small business, I've decided to channel that enthusiasm and passion into a new venture called "Bart's Builds". The goal is to help people buy and/or build the car of their dreams. Since importing a car to the Netherlands takes some work, it's something I now help people with either by sharing my knowledge and experience, or by taking care of the process altogether. I also help with any modifications, upgrades or finishing touches they may have in mind, delivering the car they've always wanted to their doorstep. On to new adventures! :thumbsup:

NC500 & Zedfest 2023
August, and it was time for a trip JoelvdrZ4c, MaldivesMax and I had been looking forward to for almost a year now. On the 6th, we boarded the ferry to Newcastle at IJmuiden. 3 loaded Zeds ready for a proper roadtrip! We started the trip off well with an all but smooth transit across the North Sea. Strong winds and rough seas meant lots of greenish people and a slightly upset stomach for the entire crossing. The next morning we were happy to wake to clear skies and smoother seas, though breakfast still didn't quite sit right with me...
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Off the boat we came and onwards we went! First leg: Cairngorms national park. Stunning scenery flowed from one bend to another, an absolutely gorgeous first introduction to the beauties of Scotland. The next day took us to Inverness, where we set off clockwise onto the NC500. We did this since we're in the left side of the car, driving on the left, thus giving us the best sea views possible. Our overnight stop in Dundonnell also treated us to the best sunset any of us had ever seen. Simply stunning...
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Day 3 took us from Dundonnell to Thurso across lost of small, single-track coastal roads. Most people were incredibly courteous and friendly, though some camper driving adventurers found it necessary to drive in front of you doing 20 miles an hour for mile after crawling mile. Still, that didn't manage to spoil our fun and we had yet another day of fine weather to boot.
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Day 4 marked the last day on the NC500 and took us from Thurso back to Inverness, and then down to Cairngorms again for our overnight hotel. Sadly, Max's car started acting up by randomly starting or not starting, depending on how the mood took it. We decided during our coffee break at John 'o Groats to stop at BMW Arnold Clark in Inverness for a "quick" check on the battery's health. Quick proved to be a relative term, since a simple diagnostic test took them about 2 hours to get round to despite assurances they'd be ready for us in a few minutes. At least we did manage to put a serious dent into their Coke and Fanta supply, so it's not all bad. What was bad, was Max's battery. Sadly, the folks at AC didn't have one ready so off to Halfords we went. After several attempts to explain to the poor bloke behind the counter that we really didn't need to register the purchase since we wouldn't be returning for a warranty claim any time soon on the count of us being Dutch, and in went the new battery. The little Maldives mile muncher (322.000km and counting) sprung to life like a new car. Ace!
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Day 5, and it was a somewhat dull one to start with. 4.5h of mundane motorways cruising to the Lake District. Nevermind, once there the views proved to be stunning; very happy we added this to our list! Sadly, coming down towards Keswick my car started to make a rattling noise from the back. I had hoped it was a drop link starting to go bad, but just a few minutes and a particularly nasty dip later, and that rattle turned into a full metallic clunk; I'd blown a top mount. Crap...
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Worried about how this might affect not just the rest of my trip but also my obligations at home just a few days later (my girlfriend would move in with me just a few days after the trip), I started calling and texting people. One of those people was Street, asking him whether he knew anyone that could help out in the area. As it turned out, he did: him! I took a turn as a passenger in Max's roadster, enjoying the last 45 minutes of open-top motoring to the hotel, and was driven back by Joël the next morning still stunned that Chris was willing to drive down all the way from Newcastle with the new top mount and required tools... I would propose he receives the "Legend" status on here regardless of post-count, simply brilliant.

Naturally, the great weather we'd been having thusfar had buggered off, and the rain was coming down neigh horizontally... Still, if ever there was a more suitable breakdown vehicle to help a stricken green Zed, I've yet to see it.
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Jep, another one of the just 95 green coupes to help its broken companion. Sporting very familiar bronze CSL reps and a gorgeous M-bonnet (that's now moved up to the top of my wishlist, thanks...), seeing the two coupes together felt rather special. 40 minutes of tinkering later, and the job was done: all set for the trip home.
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Well, when I say home, we had one more stop to make: Zedfest 2023. Originally, this had been the very reason for us to go on this trip in the first place. Missing out last year, Joel and I decided to not let that happen again for 2023. Sadly, we're very much aware that this may have been the last edition -at least at Shepshed- so we're looking at options to set up a Continental Edition next year.
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It was an absolute pleasure to meet a few people behind the cars and forum handles in real life. The night before at the Link was very enjoyable too, and I'd like to that MrTidy in particular for the great stories and laughs. Somewhere around 2 in the afternoon, it was time to head for Folkstone and the train back to Calais.
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3500km in 7 days, and beside a dodgy top-mount the Z did well. Max also discovered he really wants a set of M-sport seats, so we'll be over sometime November to collect a beige set he's managed to dig up.

I must admit, I've had moments before my trip where I contemplated selling the coupe for something different. The Zed's been with me for 2 years now, while I normally don't have a car for much longer than 6-9 months before wanting something different. After this adventure though, I've really fallen in love with the coupe again. Being a daily driver means it can almost start to feel normal, the familiarity sometimes mistaken for a slight dullness. It isn't dull though, or normal, or boring for that matter; remember to use your Zed for what it was designed to do, and I really can't think of another car I'd rather undertake adventures such as these in. It's not the most practical, or comfortable, or frugal, or well-thought out sometimes (really- cupholders don't have to be this complicated or delicate), but when you're presented with a nice stretch of road and the mood takes you... God it's fun to drive. For the money, I can't really come up with a car that offers this much fun for that sort of running costs, and -not entirely unimportant- looks this good to boot. More to come? Absolutely :driving:
Four Alfa's and a Ducati later, I've turned to the dark side...
"Drive German, wear Italian, kiss French"

Z4: Tiefgrüen Metallic E86 3.0Si / Insta @bartsbuilds

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Barty's Green Z4 Coupé - NC500 & Zedfest 2023

Post by jock156 » Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:58 pm

Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 is stunning though :D

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Barty's Green Z4 Coupé - NC500 & Zedfest 2023

Post by Street » Fri Oct 06, 2023 6:04 pm

Just paying it forward. It was great to finally meet the original Tiefgruen, Bart and the guys! :)
3.0si Coupe Sapphire Black Target 300k miles
3.0si Coupe Sapphire Black Why have 1 when you could have 2!!

Serial Zed tinkerer. Always looking for the next Zed project :D

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Barty's Green Z4 Coupé - NC500 & Zedfest 2023

Post by Mr Tidy » Fri Oct 06, 2023 7:55 pm

Yes it was great to meet the three of you too Bart. :thumbsup:

And you are right, Street really is a Legend. Just a shame he wasn't at Zedfest - it would have been great to see 2 Tiefgrun Coupes together!

Good luck with everything else that you have going on. :thumbsup:
Coupes because stunning!
Current - Silver Grey MC, Imola Red heated Nappa & carbon trim. Aeros, H & R Coil-overs, 224s, OE Strut brace, Nav, cup-holders, DSP Hi-Fi, pdc, cruise, MFSW, no CDV! E90 330i daily
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Barty's Green Z4 Coupé - NC500 & Zedfest 2023

Post by 1536Z4 » Fri Oct 06, 2023 10:18 pm

Nice write up on your trip over :thumbsup:
Montego Blue E86 . MILV`s . Simpson Custom Manifold Race Exhaust . xHP transmission stage 3 . VT engine mounts . BC RA coilovers . H&R arbs . Adjustable rear camber arms . Ultra Racing front strut brace . Drexler LSD .

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Barty's Green Z4 Coupé - NC500 & Zedfest 2023

Post by R17SKO » Sun Oct 08, 2023 8:13 am

Love these threads! Keep them coming 😎
2007 Silver grey E86 Sport

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Barty's Green Z4 Coupé - NC500 & Zedfest 2023

Post by Barty » Fri Nov 10, 2023 7:01 pm

Lights, Preventive Maintenance, Alps
It was that time of year again: roadtrip! Our classic Italian trip followed little over a month after our NC500 adventures, but I took the interim as an opportunity to take on some preventive maintenance, as well as a small upgrade with a big impact.

First things first: the headlights. On the last leg of the NC500/Zedfest trip we had to cover 300 very dark nighttime kilometers through northern France, Belgium and the Netherlands. This demonstrated the woeful inadequacy of the original halogen headlights (even though they were decent Osram Nightbreakers), so time for an upgrade. I had a set of Osram LEDriving H7 bulbs kicking around the house, so when shortly after my trip one of the Nightbreakers faded into the night I decided to give them a try. First things first: suitable adapter brackets. Osram sell these (type 64210DA06-1) for about a tenner, making the lights pretty much plug and play. Cut-off is crisp and the light output...
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Truly a night and day difference! First test was right after installation on the drive over to a friend who lives in quite a rural area. Visibility has much improved and the front of the car instantly looks a bit more modern (but not Tesla-LED in your face bright and blue...). Happy days :driving:

Keeping up with the K's
Having covered almost 186.000km's, it was high time for some preventive maintenance on the coupe. I've decided to chunk the work into smaller segments that go together nicely, such as the intake-side, "hot"-side, rear-end, front-end, etc. First up was the intake-side of things, as I'd started to develop some oil consumption without any leaks or telltale signs. Prime suspect: the PCV system. Since the hoses had decayed over time, they too deserved to be replaced. While in there, I also replaced the intake gaskets, both DISA valves, the crankshaft sensor and the starter motor. The alternator pulley was also past its best, so while at it I decided to have the alternator refurbished too. Once the intake was off, it was clear that the PCV was shot; a film of oil coated the intake manifold and the return line from the PCV to the intake was soaked too.
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Good, problem solved! All lines replaced, new PCV, and everything back together. The start is noticeably more powerful with the new starter in place (OEM Denso unit) so that's a nice bonus.
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With all that done, I took it to a friend with a lift to tackle the last few jobs: oil change and filter plus two new rear suspension top mounts. Remember what happened to the old ones..? I decided I didn't want to find out how long the other one would last, so swapped both out for new ones just to know they're of equal age and make.

Final quick job: steering wheel buttons! While I've restored them about a year ago, the finish wasn't quite to my liking, so a rainy evening I whipped out the wheel, set up the baby spraybooth in the shed and gave them a quick refresh:
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With all that done, time for a...

Annual Alpine Classic
Roadtrip! This year we decided on Maggiore rather than Como, and we've also plotted a route that would take us there solely over back roads rather than motorways. Fun times! The first leg took us from home to Adenau, where we had a spot of lunch at the Cockpit Bistro just off the Nurburgring. After a typically German spot of sausages we took off for Saarbrücken, our first overnight stop.

Day two took us across the Vosgues. For anyone who hasn't been; they're the edges of the Alpes and while not as high or savage they're beautiful in their own right. Lots of green, plenty of small towns and loads of great twisties, especially in the southern half. Yet again a beautiful day of diving with loads of great views.
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One thing missing from this picture: the Jaguar XJR. It had decided that cooling fans were for the weak and feeble, which soon after proved to be a mistake. A quick cooldown session followed by a relatively easy cabling fix proved succesfull in reviving the big cat. Thankfully so, because that supercharged V8 absolutely roars through the tunnels, especially with the bypass valve fitted to the exhaust right after the manifolds...

Day three: Alps. Mulhouse to our final destination in Maggiore, covering the Furka, Gothard, Sustrenen as well as a few smaller passes in between. Loads of driving fun, apart from an hour-long delay when we got held up by... cows. Yep: the local farmer had decided to use that precise moment to walk his herd down the mountain into the valley, taking up the entire single track road. Ah well, more time to enjoy the views and crisp mountain air!
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The last two hours took us over the Italian motorways to Maggiore, parking up just as the sun came out.
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We spent the first week touring the area, visiting local towns, the Alfa Romeo museum, Milan fashion week, Oriental Mandarin (amazing dinner and cocktails), as well as a boatload of pizza places- some call them restaurants. One of those was at the end of a particularly narrow road...
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Yeah- not ideal. No issues, but with about 2-3cm clearance either side it could be considered "snug". While the rest set off home after our collective week, my GF and I decided to stay a few days longer. Wednesday though, it was time to head home. 1000km of monotonous motorways- except when we came to a dead stop in the middle of the Gotthard tunnel!
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As it turned out, a lorry had broken down on the other lane, causing a massive jam behind him. Whenever this happens, they shut down the entire tunnel and you're required to come to a dead stop at the first set of lights. An elderly German gentleman didn't agree with me on that, deciding it was a good idea to get out of his car in the middle of the tunnel, cross to the other side, curse me out for not driving on, and then get back in his car angrily. Ah well, saves me the extraordinary Swiss fines you'd get for ignoring the reds, which apparently one gentleman had done a few years back- 29 times... Auch!

An otherwise uneventful drive saw us get home around 10, and the Zed tick over onto 190.000km. I really can't fault the car. Sure, it's got its little foibles and there are a few maintenance things I really need to get off my list, but it's been an absolute joy over the last two years and 40.000km. Here's to many more! :driving:
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Four Alfa's and a Ducati later, I've turned to the dark side...
"Drive German, wear Italian, kiss French"

Z4: Tiefgrüen Metallic E86 3.0Si / Insta @bartsbuilds

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Barty's Green Z4 Coupé - Alpine Trip 2023

Post by Mr Tidy » Fri Nov 10, 2023 9:02 pm

You've certainly been piling on the miles this year Bart!

It looks like you had another great trip too. :thumbsup:
Coupes because stunning!
Current - Silver Grey MC, Imola Red heated Nappa & carbon trim. Aeros, H & R Coil-overs, 224s, OE Strut brace, Nav, cup-holders, DSP Hi-Fi, pdc, cruise, MFSW, no CDV! E90 330i daily
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Barty's Green Z4 Coupé - Alpine Trip 2023

Post by RAYK47 » Fri Nov 10, 2023 9:51 pm

Wow what a read, you certainly are living the dream.

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Barty's Green Z4 Coupé - Alpine Trip 2023

Post by Barty » Tue Nov 14, 2023 9:20 am

Mr Tidy wrote: Fri Nov 10, 2023 9:02 pm You've certainly been piling on the miles this year Bart!

It looks like you had another great trip too. :thumbsup:
Yeah it’s been a busy year! Onwards and upwards :thumbsup:
RAYK47 wrote: Fri Nov 10, 2023 9:51 pm Wow what a read, you certainly are living the dream.
Thanks! They were made to be driven, so who am I not to oblige :driving:
Four Alfa's and a Ducati later, I've turned to the dark side...
"Drive German, wear Italian, kiss French"

Z4: Tiefgrüen Metallic E86 3.0Si / Insta @bartsbuilds

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Barty's Green Z4 Coupé - Alpine Trip 2023

Post by Barty » Tue Nov 14, 2023 9:24 am

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Quick pre-MOT check last Friday. Both lower wishbones at the front show excessive play (corroborated by a slight vibration that’s been starting to play up over the last few weeks) and a minor issue with the seat belt stopper designed to keep the buckle from sliding down to the base when not in use, apparently that’s technically an MOT fail so I’ll replace that this week. Also…
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Our Zeds are really practical! :lol: Bastuck mid-pipe without dampers inbound. Curious to hear how that sounds 8)
Four Alfa's and a Ducati later, I've turned to the dark side...
"Drive German, wear Italian, kiss French"

Z4: Tiefgrüen Metallic E86 3.0Si / Insta @bartsbuilds

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Barty's Green Z4 Coupé - Alpine Trip 2023

Post by Ed Doe » Tue Nov 14, 2023 10:06 am

I did a mid-box delete on my old 3.0si coupe years ago - it was actually really nice. Made the exhaust a bit deeper and a bit raspier, with some nice burbles but it wasn't droney at all. It was a lovely mod in terms of balancing using it for long drives and having a bit more noise/drama when you wanted to give it the full potato :)
Carbon Black '07 M Coupe: Intrax 1k2 Coilovers, AP-Racing, Raybestos ST45s, Tillets, Schroth, Vibratechnic, Apex EC7, Strongstrut, Eventuri, Supersprint, RTD, 4.1FD :evil:
Silver Grey '06 3.0si Coupe - SOLD :(

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Barty's Green Z4 Coupé - Alpine Trip 2023

Post by Barty » Thu Nov 16, 2023 11:13 am

Ed Doe wrote: Tue Nov 14, 2023 10:06 am I did a mid-box delete on my old 3.0si coupe years ago - it was actually really nice. Made the exhaust a bit deeper and a bit raspier, with some nice burbles but it wasn't droney at all.
That sound good, and exactly what I’m going for! Did you have the original backbox? I got some very mild burbles with the Bastuck rear box already, so should be nice :thumbsup:
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Replaced the slightly unsightly LED bulbs for the position lights for a pair of OSRAM’s I got from a friend. Slightly brighter and with a matte dome design a lot nicer looking. Note also the missing high beam bulb, which will be replaced with a set of LEDriving OSRAM’s (matching the low beams) as soon as they arrive. I finally managed to fit the OSRAM brackets into the housing properly for the high’s, but sadly the XTR LED’s don’t fit so need to swap those out.
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Four Alfa's and a Ducati later, I've turned to the dark side...
"Drive German, wear Italian, kiss French"

Z4: Tiefgrüen Metallic E86 3.0Si / Insta @bartsbuilds

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Barty's Green Z4 Coupé - Alpine Trip 2023

Post by Simiewimie » Thu Nov 16, 2023 2:24 pm

Hi, Barty.
Can I ask which Osram LED's you have gone for?
I have been really disappointed with the light output, even from Nightbreakers.
2007 E86 3.0Si Sport Black

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