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Forum Guidelines

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Forum Guidelines

Post by sp3ctre » Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:30 pm

EDIT [8/09/14]: Latest changes are in red

This thread is a work in progress and will contain rules and guidelines that will make this forum continue to be a fun place to be.

Commercial posts

If you are wishing to post on a commercial basis please contact a member of the moderation team before doing so. Commercial posts are subject to prior approval by the moderation team.

Forum merchandise

Only merchandise sold via the forum shop will be permitted (this includes t-shirts, calendars, stickers etc). If you would like to help produce a product of interest to the forum please contact a moderator. No private sales of personally produced products are allowed on the forum.


Usernames must be non-offensive, may not contain swear words and must not be used to advertise your business.

Signature size

Signature sizes should not exceed 600px (width) x 150px (height). This size includes any text you wish to put above or below a single picture. If you have any problem sizing your signature please contact a moderator and they will assist you.

Signatures should not contain advertising or advertising links unless previously discussed with the moderation team.

Links to personal sites and photo galleries are absolutely fine :thumbsup:

Signatures should not contain sound or animation and may not be used to advertise your business

The rules of the forum are at the discretion of the administration and moderation team. If you have any queries or questions please don't hesitate to ask. (This is a disclaimer.... we are quite laid back really) ;)


Please be respectful of others on the forum. Personal attacks will not be allowed. There is an "ignore" feature in your control panel, so you can ignore someone if they are winding you up. If you don't wish to do this then simply report the offending post and the mods will deal with it in a timely manner.

At the time of writing we have not had to ban anyone from the forum, that says something about the people on here. If you give respect I can guarantee you will get respect in return.

Guidelines regarding not safe for work content

While we are an open minded forum and do allow posts containing less than fully clothed ladies, we do have a few guidelines.

We are required legally and morally to control the content of the forum and ensure it is suitable for the intended audience. As we do not have an over 18/21 policy to view as a guest we must not presume only adults can view the forum.

With this in mind, the policy is as follows:

With immediate effect, no images that could be classed as "Lewd or provocative", or "crude or indecent language" may be posted.

Please do not post NSFW images in signatures or Avatars. People like to browse the site in work and if NSFW content is in Avatars this makes it impossible.

Please note these guidelines are for the good of the forum and the continued enjoyment by all. If you have any questions as to what is acceptable / unacceptable please PM myself or a Moderator and we will clarify.

Spam and posting to increase postcount

Spam advertising or obvious posting just to increase your post count will not be tolerated.

Post flooding just to increase the post count makes the forum look bad and increases our costs in terms of bandwidth and storage, not to say makes it more difficult to find the genuine content. Please be respectful of this.

If a member is found to be breaking these rules they will first me PM'd by a moderator and if the abuse continues their account may be suspended.

Buying and Selling

Buying and selling is permitted within forum guidelines (i.e. car related and no commercial selling) but the forum does not take responsibility for any losses incurred. Please make sure you have taken appropriate precautions before parting with your products or your money.


Do not post in order to anger other members or intentionally cause negative reactions. For a given post, this can be a subjective call, but a pattern of such posting or an especially egregious case will get you banned. Basically, don't try to pick fights. Knowingly posting false information is also prohibited.

Forum Account Cancellation Policy

If you decide you no longer wish to participate in the forum and would like to cancel your account please send a PM or Sp3ctre (or email admin [at] z4-forum [dot] com) with your request and your account will be removed immediately. Existing posts will not be removed however, as removing post history can lead to confusion and threads being misconstrued.


This thread will be updated as and when guidelines are needed. It will remain locked, but if you have any questions please post in another thread or PM a moderator.

Thanks :thumbsup:
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